Thursday, January 31, 2008

I am learning Flex...

I couldn't manage to work javasonics applet on my server and I changed my mind. I learned that to develop swf files we don't need to have Adobe Flash CS3 which costs a lot! It can be done with Adobe Flex with no money at all! :) In addition with flash it is easy to reach microphones and even webcams. So trying to write .mxml and .as files...
By the way my gadget is ready for Windows Live now...

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I am working on my widget...

hi again :)

I am working on my widget(0r Google says it gadget, I don't know why there are two words). With this gadget(Ok, I will decide what to say soon ;) you can listen to online radios. By the way I am talking about web gadget. For now I only added 20 or 30 radios from Shoutcast Top 50, but it is easy part to add more radios. May be you can also submit stream urls and I add, I don't know... That is not important for now. I am working on system for now, in fact I am working on finding a good free host. I have an host now(in fact 2 hosts after last night) but there are (of course) problems...:)
I couldn't run java applet on my server(neither of them). The applet for voice comments. I want to make it possible to comment with voice in addition to text. I found a free applet, Javasonics applet, but there are problems about my servers.
I hope I will post here my gadget when it is ready. By the way, I know web gadgets directories like netvibes ecosystem, igoogle directory, widgipedia, widgetbox, googlemodules. I published my gadget there but the url address is temporary for now. Do you know more widget/gadget publishing sites?

Hİ!, oops, Hi!

Testing testing and this is also testing...